Who Is Rafal Dyrda?

Rafal Dyrda founded CondoGenie in 2010, a condominium communication and collaboration system that helps thousands of condominiums across Canada and The United States improve communication, access to information, and collaboration within their association.

After working with hundreds of condo boards, in 2017 he published The Condo Board Survival Guide book where he shares tips and advice on how to solve the biggest problems in condominiums.

Rafal is the host of The Condo Web Show, where he interviews condominium industry experts where they share their tips, advice, and knowledge with condominium owners and board directors.

He has been serving as a Condominium Director since 2007. He has been invited to the Board of Directors at CCI North Alberta on which he served five years. He was invited to serve as the Chairperson of the CCI National Communications Committee, the Chairperson of the National CCI Digital Infrastructure Committee, and in 2020 he will be serving as the Chairperson of the National CCI Marketing Committee.

He is deeply involved in the condominium industry and his goal is to change the industry for the better. An industry where there is trust, accountability, and respect between vendors, condo owners, condo boards, and management companies.

A better condo life for all.

HOw does rafal help the condo community?


The Condo Board Survival Guide is a work towards a goal, a mission, that Rafal has set back in 2010, to bring transparency, accountability and respect between managers, boards, and owners in the condominium industry.

After being involved in the condominium industry for over 10 years, in 2017 Rafal published The Condo Board Survival Guide where he reveals simple strategies on how condo boards and managers can keep their owners informed & happy, and ensure that work gets completed on time, while spending less time in board meetings!

To this day Rafal has shared this book with thousands of board members and presented these strategies at conferences, luncheons and webinars.

What REaders say about the book

Thank you for putting together this excellent resource for Condo Boards.

I think it should be required reading for all Condo Board members. Though Board positions are volunteer, I am learning that they require more than the average amount of knowledge or willingness to learn than most other volunteer positions. The fact that a Board is responsible for the assets of the Condo Corp is huge and can be pretty scary! If the Property Management company is not competent, and the Board is inexperienced, all sorts of issues can arise.

Your book is a great starting point for how things should be done. I've got many pages already bookmarked for ready reference!

If you ever go into the business of Property Management, please let me know. It would be great to work with someone who has integrity, knowledge and professionalism in this area.

Verinder Maan

Board Director at Heritage Valley

Rafal, I'm Impressed. I read your book just prior to our monthly board meeting.

As a relatively new member, and just appointed chairman, I struggle with what I feel is micro management of the "Site Administrator".

I have asked the entire board to take turns at reading your guide. I will be putting in motion a review of our board and its responsibilities and function, following each members review, of your publication.

Wayne Buss

Board Director at Norwood Grande

Think you desire a big round of applause for your first book.

You captured a really good view of the process and offered really good ideas of other processes that could be used.

Two were still not really sure of themselves even being on the board for a year and the new one is struggling. Think I’ve convinced the two to stay on as they were both thinking of resigning.

I’m going to give this to three other board members to help them along.

Blair Campbell

Board Director

he helpS run better condos

When Rafal joined his condo board in 2007 due to frustration from lack of communication, no updates from the board, and constant condo fee increases, he realized that the condo board and property manager didn’t have the right tools to manage work and requests, or communicate effectively with everyone.

He created a tool for his condo board and manager to aid with the communication gap between everyone at his condo. Once the word started to spread of this tool, he turned his condo tool into a Condominium Success System called CondoGenie in late 2009.

CondoGenie is a condominium success system that helps with communication, collaboration, and access to information in Condominiums, Stratas, HOAs, and Co-Ops.

Currently CondoGenie is utilized in thousands of various residential associations across Canada and The United States

What members say about CondoGenie

CondoGenie has vastly improved the quality of our building and without it I probably would have stopped being a condo board member years ago.

It has been extremely helpful for our building with regards to being proactive with regards to solving problems. So thank you very much


Board Member

Implementing CondoGenie is one of the best decisions we’ve made to date.

It has facilitated an unprecedented level of communication between Board members and residents. Finally, it has built a sense of community within the building, as residents can connect and discuss building-related issues. It is a great tool, and I would recommend it wholeheartedly!

Kent McKay

Board Member

Prior to CondoGenie there wasn't (as an owner - I didn't feel) a great way to communicate with owners or residents. If we had an issue or wanted information we had to reach out to the Management company. And sometimes we didn't hear back. However, now and since CondoGenie was installed we have a history, a resource and a way for our community to communicate with each other. As a board member and as a board we are better equipped to deal with issues arising and are quicker at responding and resolving issues.

Jayne Sandilands

Board Director

CondoGenie has really improved communication in our building. It is great for keeping you up to date on information from condo board meetings that you may have missed, accessing documents, frequently asked questions, events and providing helpful timely responses. It is very informative and easy to use, I prefer it to the paper distribution that we used prior!

Lori Elliot

Unit Owner

he Brings Resources to condos

Rafal has worked with many Condominiums, Stratas, HOAs, and Co-Ops in various provinces and states, that are struggling due to lack of information and education. Many are in rural areas where access to valuable information, education and expertise is limited.

With his latest project Rafal's goal is to provide easy access to education, information, and professional advice to condominiums, their boards, and managers in both rural and urban areas.

The Condo Web Show is an online resources where Rafal discusses various topics with industry experts and professionals where they share their tips, advice, and knowledge with boards, managers, and owners so they have the information to run their associations more effectively.

5 Reasons why you should get rafal to speak at your next event!



In his signature presentation, Rafal teaches boards strategies which help improve communication, collaboration, and access to information within their condos. 

Strategies that keep owners informed and happy, work is completed on time, and board meetings are short and to the point!



Rafal has been a board member at his condo since 2007. He has been helping condominiums, board members, condo managers and various associations as a professional since 2010. 

He relates to the problems and issues boards and managers struggle with.

He is a condo professional who wants to change the industry for the better. To bring transparency, accountability and respect between owners, boards, managers and vendors.  



I now understand how improving communication and the ways we keep owners informed will improve relations with owners!

Fran Rogers

Rafal really showed me why we need to take ownership as a board and implement 21st Century communication.

Julie Ulseth

By implementing these strategies we will hold Board Members accountable. We'll get more stuff done and our learning will increase. 

Evelyn Vandenhengel

New to Condo Board Position. This was a really helpful presentation. I'm happy I attended this session and will bring back this information to the rest of the board.

Blair Fremark

It was very helpful. Common condo frustrations easily explained and categorized. Gives hope to condo boards!

Laura Gray

Great presentation, good examples, very relevant information.

Debbie Mork

I hope we will implement all three ideas (eventually). Our board now lacks much like Rafal's before he had become involved. We need to change this.

Nada Tarkovic

This will help our board because I see how important is to keep the communication open between owners, residents and board members.

Mary Duthie

Yes! Communication will be addressed first. Open communication to owners has not been consistent. Thank you for sharing!

Tracey Munnikhilis

Very informative, various applications.

Practical effective info to manage people and condos. Great presentation!

J. Molina



Every speaking engagement is recorded by Rafal's team, and if you'd like to, each recording can be shared with your event attendees.

A bonus you can use in promoting your event, at no cost to you!




Your event attendees will be able to get a FREE COPY of The Condo Boards Survival Guide book. 

The book where Rafal shares his tips, advice and knowledge he gained since he started serving the condominium industry.

Tips and strategies that have helped thousands of board members.